Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sand Dollars: Not Just Shells

                 The very popular shells you may look for on the beach, known as sand dollars, are actually the shells of living creatures. That’s right, sand dollars are not just pretty shells for tourists to shell hunt for but they are living invertebrates. When sand dollars are alive they are actually very colorful creatures whose color can range from gray to dark purple. Sand dollars are very abundant suspension feeders of the ocean floor and are evolutionary equipped to be very efficient at it. First, sand dollars have tiny spine like pincers to capture plankton floating by called pedicellariae. The now captured food in the pedicellariae needs to be transported to the mouth or madreporite. To accomplish this task sand dollars have cilia along their spines, not to be confused with a vertebrate spine, which lead right to the madreporite. These cilia, which are like tiny moving hairs, direct the food along the food grooves on the oral side of the organism to the madreporite where food can be digested. Sand dollars even position themselves to increase their ability of filter feeding. When sand dollars are in calm waters they “standup” by burying a portion of their shell under the sand and allowing the unburied portion to stand up right. If the currents are too high the sand dollar will lay flat or even bury itself to reduce the risk of being taken away by the current. Smaller sand dollars will even ingest sand to act as a weight belt for further stability in rougher waters. Sand dollars are capable of movement from tiny tube like feet that protrude from the ambulacra, the radial areas on the oral side of the shell. So sand dollars are living organisms but whats their importance to their ecosystem? Well, sand dollars are very dense in population on the sea bed, even though they lack species diversity. Sense they are so dense in population they are high contributors in the predation of tiny planktons and crustaceans which some feed on the algae on the sea bed. In short, they keep the populations of these tiny organisms in check. Even more important though is that they are a very large food source for fish and crabs. Fish and crabs are able to crush the shell of the sand dollars and eat the actual organism. Sand dollars are much easier prey than their close relative the sea urchin which are equipped with sharp protruding spikey spines to defend itself, so naturally sand dollars are a better choice. So it’s important to know that the shells we so happily collect were ecologically valuable organisms when they were alive, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t collect the shell for a keepsake! 
(Second source)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sea Star Wasting Syndrome: The Mystery Killer

           The balance of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans ecosystems along the coast might soon be tilted in an unknown direction due to a new threat, which is killing off thousands of its starfish, known as Sea Star Wasting Syndrome. Sea Star Wasting Syndrome is the new marine disease so devastating it has an estimated mortality rate on infected starfish of ninety-five percent and it already affects over twenty species on the U.S. coasts. This horrific disease causes starfish to lose entire limbs in a matter of days leading to their inevitable death. The symptoms are well known by marine biologists, but the actual pathogen causing the disease is not. High mortality rates of sea stars are significant to the entire ecosystem of the species since they are a keystone predator of many crustaceans and Mollusca. First let us look at the symptoms of Sea Star Wasting Syndrome to grasp an understanding of its severity.

  Courtesy USCS Long Marine Lab
             Marine biologists, studying sea stars with the disease, describe the main symptom of the syndrome to be, sea stars tearing themselves apart which is a good interpretation of the disease in a nutshell. The disease first causes white lesions in the ectoderm of the sea star on the body or a single limb, the initial lesion may then spread to other areas of the organism. The sea stars tissue begins to deteriorate around these lesions. Finally, the sea star begins to fall apart around the lesions due to the surrounding deterioration of tissue. The fragmentation is what leads the sea star to death, but the actual pathogen causing the disease is still a mystery.Source 1

            The first documentation of sea star syndrome was in the summer of 2013 and the exact pathogen causing the disease has not been found yet. Scientists have come to the assumption that: recent increase in temperatures are aiding the pathogens infection rate by putting sea stars under abnormal stress. This assumption is based off the fact that most of the first infected species were in the warmest of water, like intertidal zones. Now scientists have spotted signs of infection in colder waters and swift currents in areas such as the Washington’s San Juan Island. San Juan Island has only recently experienced the infection do to the rise in temperatures of its waters during the summer, the islands are usually cooler than the adjacent continent. This assumption that warm waters is aiding to the rise of the infection seems to be fairly correct but, the actual pathogen is still a mystery. Scientists believe that the pathogen is a bacteria or virus but do not know which, even though the first documentation was over a year ago. Source 2

 Marine scientists track spread of sea star wasting disease Credit: Melissa Miner
             Sea Stars are keystone species to many oceanic ecosystems, meaning it has a tremendous effect on the ecosystem relative to the size of its population. Keystone species, such as many sea star species, have a critical role in maintaining balance in their ecosystem. Sea stars are keystone predator that feed on Mollusca and crustaceans, and since there are many different types of Mollusca and crustaceans for sea stars to feed on there was a high abundance in sea stars. Now that sea stars are becoming less common, some species in California and Florida are on the verge of extinction, there are many more of these Mollusca and crustaceans. Scientists are skeptical on just how the ecosystem will change, but my prediction is that there will be an increase of grazing like organisms like snails, which are easy prey for sea stars, and subsequently a decrease in algae. I believe that the overpopulation of these grazers will lead to a decrease in oxygen levels in the ocean and increase carbon dioxide levels. What this means exactly I am not very sure, but hopefully a solution can be found (or a mutation to arise) to reset the balance in the effected ecosystems. 

Further Study:


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Complexity of the Squid

The complexity of the Squid.
For a time, humans have been seen as the pinnacle of evolutionary success, or god ultimate creation. Scientists now know that this is not the case, humans lack traits that could be valuable to us and have faulty designs in our anatomy, squids for example have useful traits that we lack and have a key similar trait that is anatomically more efficient. No organism is perfect but, as far as invertebrates go, the squid is as close as they get. The squid is a highly modified Mollusca cephalopod that has a number of traits that make it very well fit in the evolutionary sense. The squid has the ability to change colors in seconds to hide from possible threats and ambush its prey. Squids also have a highly complex eye for seeking out its prey that is better designed than our own. Squids even share a very interesting symbiotic relationship with species of bacteria.



Certain species of squids, and other cephalopods, have the ability to change their color drastically in a matter of seconds. This sudden color change is made possible by the possession of cromatophores. Cromatophores are tiny pigment filled sacs in their skin that contain different pigments. The chromatophores are connected to muscles that run to the cephalopods brain and when the brain signals for the turning on of the chromatophores, these muscles relax and let out the pigment desired. The chromatophores are limited in the colors they can produce so to reach even further color change, the cephalopods have a second layer of skin armed with iridophores. Iridophores are extremely fast acting, neuron controlled, pigments that reflect certain wavelengths of light to achieve the desired color. The mechanism in which iridophores work is not completely understood but researchers understand that they modify the pigment expressed by the chromotophores. It has also just been accepted in the scientific community that iridophores do so by moving closer or further apart at a nanoscale level to achieve the desired color. Of course the full mechanism has not been discovered and there is much more research on this phenomena to be done. Another astonishing anatomical feature of the squid is the complexity in the wiring of its eye.

            Certain species of squids, and other cephalopods, have the ability to change their color drastically in a matter of seconds. This sudden color change is made possible by the possession of cromatophores. Cromatophores are tiny pigment filled sacs in their skin that contain different pigments. The chromatophores are connected to muscles that run to the cephalopods brain and when the brain signals for the turning on of the chromatophores, these muscles relax and let out the pigment desired. The chromatophores are limited in the colors they can produce so to reach even further color change, the cephalopods have a second layer of skin armed with iridophores. Iridophores are extremely fast acting, neuron controlled, pigments that reflect certain wavelengths of light to achieve the desired color. The mechanism in which iridophores work is not completely understood but researchers understand that they modify the pigment expressed by the chromotophores. It has also just been accepted in the scientific community that iridophores do so by moving closer or further apart at a nanoscale level to achieve the desired color. Of course the full mechanism has not been discovered and there is much more research on this phenomena to be done. Another astonishing anatomical feature of the squid is the complexity in the wiring of its eye.


Neurally stimulated squid iridophore. (Credit: Wardill, Gonzalez-Bellido, Crook & Hanlon, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences)

The squid has eyes that are anatomically more sufficient than ours. A humans eye lined with neurons that take in light to decipher the image given to us. A major problem with the wiring of these neurons is that they are facing inwards towards our brain. This caused the light to have to travel through our pupil twice to be processed by out neurons, and eventually our brain. The squid has a similar intake of light mechanism in its eye except the neurons a facing the outwards. The change in wiring, although seemingly small, allows the squids neurons to take in the light instantly and process the image. The wiring of a humans eye has another major malfunction that is corrected by software in our brain, this is the presence of blood vessels in front of our pupil. These blood vessels create blind spots in the human eye that is filled in by our brain. The squid, on the other hand, has its blood vessels behind its pupil making these blind spots nonexistent for them. At this point it is easy to understand that the squid really is a magnificent invertebrate adapted well by natural selection, but if that wasn’t enough some squids even have an extremely beneficial symbiotic relationship that makes them shine, literally!

Eye of Giant Humboldt Squid Norbert Wu, Corbis Norbert Wu, Corbis 

Some squids possess more color changing organs located under the mantle cavity that are home to a species of luminous bacteria. These organs are called the crypt and the lens. The crypt is the home to these tiny luminescent microbes, the vibrio fischeri, while the lens controls the brightness of the bacteria in the crypt. The lens is composed of tiny reflecting plates piled together in a sack. The lens comes in great use for a squid in hiding from potential predators.
            Therefore we should not view humans as the best designed organisms of evolution, squids are just one example of high complexity that rivals our own. Although not all traits that squids have would fit our lifestyles as terrestrial mammals, their complexity should not be ignored.  These intelligent cephalopods are adapted well to predatory lifestyle with their own unique modifications like their complex and well wired eye, designed better than our own! They are also equipped with defense mechanisms such as color change and some squids even have acquired a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with bacteria. Squids are amazing feats of evolution and although much has been discovered about them, there is still much more to learn.

Further studies on squids:

Wei, S.L., and R.E. Young. 1989. Development of symbiotic bacterial bioluminescence in a nearshore cephalopod, Euprymna scolopes. Marine Biology 103:541-546.
Staaf, Danna. Quest. Aug 28, 2012. Squid Skin:Why Pigment (but Not Glitter) Will Dance to the Beat.
Holt AL, Sweeney AM, Johnsen S, & Morse DE (2011). A highly distributed Bragg stack with unique geometry provides effective camouflage for Loliginid squid eyes. Journal of the Royal Society, 8(63):1386-99